

在我們經驗豐富的老師的指導下,你將學習到提升五官立體感的化妝技巧,讓你的舞台表演更加吸睛。工作坊的重點? 當然是閃粉!運用閃粉及臉部貼紙來打造耀眼動人的妝容。不要錯過這個獲得時尚舞台造型貼士和技巧的機會!     


方法: 網上報名

費用: $450, 包括:

    1. 化妝工作坊  
    2. 化妝教學小冊子
    3. 閃粉禮物



  • 兒童化妝工作坊將是45分鐘,成人化妝工作坊將是60分鐘
  • 化妝教學小冊子及閃粉禮物將會在工作坊上派發,包括頭髮及眼部閃粉,臉部貼紙及眼線筆。
  • 基於衛生考慮,參加者需要準備自己的化妝工具和產品建議準備以下用品:粉底,眼影,眼線筆,胭脂及修容,唇膏,卸妝用品,化妝用具(化妝掃,棉花棒,眉鉗) *需要眉鉗把閃粉及貼紙放在臉上 
  • 建議1位家長或監護人可陪同孩子進行工作坊(只適用於3-5歲的工作坊) 
  • 家長或監護人不可陪同孩子進行工作坊(只適用於5-7,8+歲的工作坊)



年齡 地點 日期及時間




中環 4月19日 (星期六) 9:45-10:30
銅鑼灣 4月14th (星期一) 3:00-3:45
銅鑼灣 4月20日 (星期日) 3:00-3:45
九龍塘 4月17日 (星期四) 4:45-5:30
九龍塘 4月19日​ (星期六) 2:30-3:15
黃竹坑 4月13日 (星期日) 12:15-1:00
黃竹坑 4月15日 (星期二) 4:15-5:00
黃竹坑 4月20日 (星期日) 12:15-1:00



中環 4月19日 (星期六) 10:30-11:15
銅鑼灣 4月15日 (星期二) 3:30-4:15
九龍塘 4月19日 (星期六) 3:15-4:00
黃竹坑 4月16日 (星期三) 4:15-5:00


(出生於 2017或之前) 

中環 4月19日​​ (星期六) 11:15-12:00
銅鑼灣 4月13日 (星期日) 3:00-3:45
九龍塘 4月19日 (星期六) 4:00-4:45


中環 4月19日(星期六) 12:00-1:00


條款及細則(English only)


  • Application fee paid to Twinkle Dance Company Limited  (hereinafter referred to as “Twinkle Dance”) under the Glitter Glow: Stage-Ready Makeup Workshop is non-refundable under any circumstances (including any medical conditions/ certificates).
  • Any dispute in connection with the fee will be resolved at the absolute discretion of Twinkle Dance Company Limited.



  • Due to hygiene concerns, participants must prepare their own makeup tools and products.
  • One parent or guardian is suggested to accompany their child attending the workshop (Applicable to age 3-5 workshop only).
  • Parents and guardians are not allowed to accompany their child attending the workshop (Applicable to age 5-7,8+ workshop only).


Photography and Other Media

  • Twinkle Dance Company Limited reserves the right to use the photographs/videos taken in the workshop for marketing and promotional purposes. The taken photographs/videos may be used and not limited to Twinkle Dance’s website, social media platforms and collateral material.


Personal Data and Privacy 

  • Parents and/or guardians will inform Twinkle Dance if there are any changes to the personal data provided.


Inclement Weather Conditions

  • Twinkle Dance has the right to reschedule or cancel the workshop under bad weather conditions, and there will be no refund. 


Special Health and Safety Measures

  • All workshop participants must follow the health and safety guidelines of Twinkle Dance
  • Twinkle Dance has the right to withdraw workshop participants who do not meet the health and safety guidelines. The application fee will not be refunded in these circumstances. 



  • Participants must notify Twinkle Dance if they are allergic to any substance. The makeup products provided in the workshop, including but not limited to face glitter, stickers, and eyeliner, are for optional use. Twinkle Dance will not be held responsible for any allergic reactions, skin sensitivities, or other adverse effects resulting from using these products. Participants (or their parents/guardians) are responsible for checking for any personal allergies before applying the provided items.
  • All participants enrolled in this workshop do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in this performance activity.



  • Twinkle Dance reserves the right to any interpretation and the final decision in case of disputes.
  • Any dispute connected in any way with the Glitter Glow: Stage-Ready Makeup Workshop will be resolved by Twinkle Dance at its absolute discretion.