
通過Twinkle Dance的推薦計劃,提升孩子的創造力、自信和社交技能!讓孩子們分享舞蹈的樂趣,在同伴的支持中茁壯成長。
1) 推薦朋友(新學生)
2) 他們可獲得免費試堂及最高港幣五百元正的Tutulamb舞蹈服飾優惠券!
3) 你可獲得下一學期九折優惠(每個學期最多推薦三名新學生,折扣上限為七折)
每次見到自己子女上完舞蹈課後的滿足笑容,羨慕嗎?心癢嗎?心動不如行動!勇敢踏前多一步,為自己起舞,好好享受舞蹈的樂趣!Twinkle Dance相信任何人都可以無限制地享受跳舞帶來的喜悅,因此我們誠意邀請各位家長一起體驗舞舞藝術。不論時間、地點或舞種,我們也能提供合你心意的課堂。如果你的子女已報名參加一個學期的兒童舞蹈課程,你即可以半價購買常規成人舞蹈課程(折扣後:$1100, 原價:$2200)。
Terms and Conditions:
*Participants must be a mother of a child currently enrolled full-term in children’s class at Twinkle Dance.
*Each participants are eligible to receive a maximum of 50% discount on our Regular Class Package.
*Participants holding an existing Adult package can buy this package along with their existing package.
*Participants might be requested for their proof of relationship with the child upon request.
*Participants must follow Twinkle Dance class policies (i.e. class fee, age, attire, etc.)
*This offer is only applicable to “Regular Adult Dance Package” and does not apply to Before 12, RAD Grade 6 Examination classes, Showcase rehearsals and private classes.
*This offer is non-transferable/non-redeemable and non-refundable for any cash/credit.
*This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts, promotional offers.
*Any dispute connected in any way with this offer will be resolved by Twinkle Dance Company at its absolute discretion.

想上更多舞蹈課堂來增強跳舞技巧?Twinkle Dance現正提供八折優惠給報讀兩個常規課程的學生。