還在尋找培養孩子創造力、建立自信和提升社交技能的方法嗎?來參加Twinkle Dance的課程吧!與朋友一同起舞令快樂加倍!我們為你和孩子的舞蹈夥伴準備了一個超棒的推薦計劃!
成功向Twinkle Dance推薦新學生,你和朋友的孩子可獲得以下優惠:
- 受推薦人(新學生):享受免費試堂(試堂費可全數退還)和Tutulamb的舞蹈服飾券(最高金額為港幣五百元正,不適用於購買絲襪和鞋子,舞蹈服飾券金額視乎報讀課堂的數量而有所不同)。
- 推薦人(現有學生):每推薦一名新學生,你的孩子將於報讀下一個完整學期的恆常課程時享有九折優惠(每個學期最多推薦三名新學生,折扣上限為七折)。
- 全期兒童恆常課程:完整的舞蹈課程體驗!你的朋友在報讀全期課程時可獲得港幣五百元正的優惠券。
- 半期兒童恆常課程: 中途加入也不必擔心!你的朋友仍可參加該學期剩餘的兒童恆常課程課堂(至少三堂,試堂並不包括在內),從而獲得港幣二百元正的優惠券。
1) 推薦新朋友加入Twinkle Dance!
2) 朋友填寫報名表(包括你的資料)。
3) 朋友參加免費試堂(試堂費可全數退還)。
4) 朋友完成試堂並確認繼續參加Twinkle Dance的課堂(解鎖獎勵!)。
5) 朋友選擇報讀全期兒童恆常課程。
Terms and Conditions
Referral Program Eligibility:
- This offer is eligible for students under Twinkle Dance Kids Program
Referrer Eligibility:
- Referrer must be a current student enrolled in Kids Regular Full Term classes from Twinkle Dance Central, Causeway Bay, Wong Chuk Hang, and Kowloon Tong Studios (Not applicable to other class locations)
- Referrers can participate in the Referral Program more than once, discount is only applicable to one Referrer
Referee Eligibility:
- Referee must complete the enrollment form with detail information of the Referrer (Student full name, contact email and phone number) prior to their first class with Twinkle Dance
- Referee must be a new student of Twinkle Dance and have never enrolled or joined in any class, programs or events with Twinkle Dance
- Referrers’ siblings are not eligible to participate as referees
Reward and Conditions:
- Referrer will receive a 10% discount on the following Kids Regular Full Term enrolment for each Referee (maximum of 30% discount per term, etc.) upon successful enrollment and payment settlement of relevant class fees by the Referee on the same day of the trial class
- Referee will receive a reward depending on their chosen enrollment option:
1) Kids Regular Full Term (enrolling at the beginning of the term) :
1.1 $500 Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher (in-store only) to be used at Twinkle Dance studios in Central, Causeway Bay, Wong Chuk Hang, and Kowloon Tong.
1.2 Trial fee will be waived upon successful enrollment of Kids Regular Term.
2). Remaining Kids Regular Term (enrolling mid-term and completing the minimum requirement) :
2.1 $200 Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher (in-store only) to be used at Twinkle Dance Central studios in Causeway Bay, Wong Chuk Hang, and Kowloon Tong.
2.2 Trial fee will be waived upon enrolling in the remaining Kids Regular Term (joining all remaining term classes; at least 3 classes excluding trial class).
- The Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher can only be used for selected dancewear (exclusive of shoes & tights)
- The Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher is valid for one month from the date of the confirmation email
- The Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher can be used in a one single transaction, remaining amount will be forfeited
- The Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or used in conjunction with any other offer
Payment and Enrollment:
- Enrollment form must be completed by Referee prior to their first class with required Referrer’s details
- Referee must settle the trial class fee prior to attendance
- Referee must enroll in either:
1) Kids Regular Full Term – on the same day of the trial class to be eligible for the full-term reward (including waived trial class fee and $500 voucher); OR
2) Remaining Kids Regular Term (joining all remaining term classes with at least 3 classes excluding trial class) – on the same day of the trial class to be eligible for the remaining term reward (including waived trial class fee and $200 voucher).
- Kids Regular Full Term refers to either enrolling for a full term at the beginning of the term
- Remaining Kids Regular Term refers to joining all remaining term classes with at least 3 classes excluding trial class
- Enrollment is subject to availability and acceptance by Twinkle Dance
Reward Redemption:
- The Tutulamb Dancewear Voucher will be issued by email upon successful enrollment and settlement of the relevant class fees
Program Duration:
- The referral program is valid starting from June 1, 2024 onwards and may be subject to extension or modification at the discretion of Twinkle Dance
General Terms:
- Participants must follow Twinkle Dance class policies (i.e. class fee, age, attire, etc.)
- This offer is non-transferable, non-redeemable and non-refundable for any cash/credit
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions
- This offer is not applicable to siblings
- Any dispute connected in any way with this offer will be resolved by Twinkle Dance at its absolute discretion