














截止日期: 2023年8月31日
方法: 網上報名


  1. 表演機會 – 3至4次公眾表演
  2. 免費租用表演服飾
  3. 表演證書
  4. 團體表演合照 – 電子版



  • 表演者年齡需介乎於4-12歲 (出生年份於2012-2020)
  • 為確保表演者能掌握基本舞蹈技巧,表演者必須報名2024年9月至10月學期和11月至12月學期的Twinkle Dance常規舞蹈課程,當中可選擇任何舞蹈風格(芭蕾舞/爵士舞/K-pop)
  • 表演者需參加兩個排練學期,及必須出席70%的排練課堂,以確保表演的水準。如未能達到課堂出席率,將有機會被退出表演團隊,已繳付的課堂費用將不會退還


*折扣優惠: 表演團隊的學生可享八折優惠報名排練課堂,及2024年9月至10月學期和11月至12月學期的常規課程。



年齡 課堂地點及時間 老師
*出生年份於 2019-2020
中環 4:00 – 4:45 (星期四) Emma 老師
九龍塘 1:00 – 1:45 (星期日) Olga 老師
九龍塘 4:30-5:15 (星期五) Emma 老師
黃竹坑 12:15-1:00 (星期六) Olga 老師
*出生年份於 2017-2019
九龍塘 2:45 – 3:30 (星期日) Olga 老師
黃竹坑 3:00 – 3:45 (星期六) Olga 老師
中環 4:00 – 4:45 (星期六) Leslie 老師
九龍塘 3:30 – 4:15 (星期日) Olga 老師


排練學期 課堂日期(星期四) 課堂日期(星期五) 課堂日期(星期六) 課堂日期(星期日)


9月 5, 12, 19, 26
10月 3,10,17,24,31$2880
9月 6, 13, 20, 27
10月 4, 18, 25
Oct 11 No Class (Holiday)$2240
9月 7, 14, 21, 28
10月 5, 12, 19, 26$2560
9月 1,8,15,22,29
10月 6, 13, 20, 27$2880
11至12月 11月 7,14,21,28
12月 5,12,19$2240
11月 1,8,15,22,29
12月 1,8,15$2560
11月 2,9,16,23,30
12月 7,14$2240
11月 3,10,17,24
12月 1,8,15$2240



  • 有別於常規課程,表演團隊的排練課將專注學習表演的編舞,學費可按學期付款
  • 由於每個排練課將學習不同的編舞,學生將不可轉堂,也沒有其他排練課堂可供缺席學生申請補課。如缺席排練課,將不獲留作餘額使用、扣減或退款
  • 若表演日期及時間與排練課撞期,該節課堂可獲於該學期的常規課程中申請補課
  • 因受惡劣天氣、政治或經濟等不可控制的因素影響之下,而需要取消的課堂或表演,將不會安排退款。如交通和場地情況不安全或受到阻礙,Twinkle Dance 將保留取消課堂或表演的權利


  • 排練舞將有機會是任何風格的舞蹈 (芭蕾舞、爵士舞、K-pop、當代舞)
  • 表演團隊將獲得3-4次演出機會,表演日期、時間和地點將於2024年10月-11月公佈
  • 表演日期取決於場地的可用性和安排,預計將於2024年11月中至12月中期間的放學後、星期六及日或於公眾假期舉行
  • 如表演者無法參加一場或多場表演,排練學期費用將不獲留作餘額使用、扣減或退款。請在提交申請前慎重考慮
  • 根據過往經驗,表演一般在活動/商場/戶外場所進行,不需要入場費或門票



  • 表演者必須穿著Twinkle Dance的芭蕾舞或爵士舞或K-pop校服及合規格的鞋子
  • 表演者必須遵守 Twinkle Dance 的學校指引,包括課堂年齡、舞蹈校服和安全及衛生要求等。若表演者不遵守學校指引,將有機會被退出表演團隊,且課堂費用不會退還



  • Twinkle Dance將免費租腦表演服飾,完成最後的表演後,表演者需交還所有表演服飾及飾物
  • 表演者需於2024年9-10月在其上課地點作量度尺寸、試身及領取表演服飾
  • 表演者必須妥善保管其表演服飾和保持潔淨,請勿自行清洗或乾洗服飾
  • 表演者需根據表演服造型來購買適合的芭蕾或爵士舞鞋、舞蹈襪褲和頭髮用品(髮網/髮夾)
  • 在表演日,表演者需自行整理髮型及化妝



  • 若表演者感到不適或表現出不適合表演,Twinkle Dance 保留讓學生退出表演的權利
  • 所有表演團隊學生,必須遵守Twinkle Dance及表演場地的衛生指引
  • 如表演者不遵守該指引,Twinkle Dance及表演場地將有權取消其學生參與排練課堂/表演的資格。在這些情況下,課堂費用及門票將不予退款


條款及細則(English Only)


  • Fees paid to Twinkle Dance Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Twinkle Dance”) including the class fees, and uniform fees required under the Performance Team 2024 are non-refundable under any circumstances (including any medical conditions/ certificates).
  • No refund will be arranged for any class or performance cancellations due to uncontrollable events, such as bad weather, political, economic, etc. Twinkle Dance reserves the right to cancel the class or performance of the Performance Team 2024. Any dispute in connection with the fees will be resolved at the absolute discretion of Twinkle Dance.


Class and Rehearsal

  • Performers are required to enroll in full-term Twinkle Dance regular classes of any dance style in the Sep-Oct and Nov-Dec term of 2024.
  • Performers must attend 70% of the performance team classes in order to ensure the highest standards of performance. Failure to fulfill the attendance requirement may result in withdrawal from the Performance Team 2024. The paid class fees will not be refunded.
  • In case of absence in performance team classes, no make-up class, credit, deduction or refund will be offered.
  • If the performance date and time clash with the performance team classes, make-up classes of regular classes within the term will be offered.



  • The performance dates depend on the availability and planning of the venue; performance might happen after school during Weekdays, Saturday, Sunday or Public holidays from November to December 2024.
  • No credit, deduction or refund of the rehearsal term fees can be arranged if the performer is not able to attend one or more of the performances.



  • Show tickets and admission fees are not included in the fees, if the performance venue requires admission fees or tickets, audiences must purchase it to enter the performance venue.


Uniform and Costume 

  • Class uniform is required by Twinkle Dance school policies, failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the Performance Team 2024 and no refund can be made.
  • Students are required to purchase proper ballet or jazz shoes, dance tights and hair sets according to the costume outlook. Peach pink leather ballet shoes/black leather jazz shoes (full leather without any patterns), and peach pink/black dance tights (without any patterns) are required when necessary.
  • Twinkle Dance will provide free rental of costumes for the performances. Performers are required to return all costumes and accessories after the last performance.
  • Performers are responsible for keeping their costumes safe and clean for the performance.


Photography and Other Media

  • Twinkle Dance Company Limited reserves the right to use the photographs/videos taken in class, and the performance for marketing and promotional purposes. The taken photographs/videos may be used on Twinkle Dance’s website, social media platforms and collateral material.


Personal Data and Privacy

  • Personal Data might be use by Twinkle Dance for performance related matters
  • Parents and/or guardians will inform Twinkle Dance if there are any changes to the personal data provided.


Inclement Weather Conditions

  • Twinkle Dance and/ or the performance venues have the right to reschedule or cancel the performance under bad weather conditions, and there will be no refund.


Special Health and Safety Measures

  • All performers must follow the health and safety guidelines by Twinkle Dance and the performance venues.
  • Twinkle Dance and/ or the performance venues have the right to withdraw the performers who do not meet the health and safety guidelines from attending the rehearsal classes/ performances. Class fees and tickets will not be refunded in these circumstances.



  • All participants enrolled in this program do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in this performance activity.



  • Twinkle Dance reserves the right to any interpretation and the final decision in case of disputes.
  • Any dispute connected in any way with the Performance Team will be resolved by Twinkle Dance at its absolute discretion.