
Twinkle Dance在每年的五月或六月,都會舉辦皇家舞蹈學院(Royal Academy of Dance) 芭蕾舞考試及課堂證書考核,我們誠摯邀請您參與這項重大里程碑。在整個學年中,學生們一直致力於學習和提升芭蕾舞技巧和藝術造詣。參加我們的考試及課堂證書考核,來引證他們的成就!

RAD 考試及課堂證書考核詳情

日期及時間: 2025年5月至6月
考試場地: Twinkle Dance其中一間分校
考試形式: 由海外考官進行的面對面考試及課堂演示

  • 考試及課堂證書考核的日期及時間將由皇家舞蹈舞蹈學院分配,Twinkle Dance會盡量要求週末或公共假期,但仍可能被安排在平日進行考試。實際的日期,時間及考試場地將於2025年3-4月內公布
  • 已安排的日期及時間將不能作更改,如學生缺席考試將不獲留作餘額使用、扣減或退款
  • 如學生缺席考試,將不獲重新安排考試和課堂證書考核日期/時間(包括任何醫療狀況/證明)



日期: 2024年12月1日至31日
方法: 網上報名



等級 年齡 出生年份 費用
學前1級課堂展示證書考核 2 2022年2月1日至2023年1月31日 $786
學前2級課堂展示證書考核 3-5 2020年1月1日至2022年1月31日 $786
啟蒙級舞蹈課堂展示證書考核 5 2019 $1054
初級舞蹈課堂展示證書考核 6 2018 $1136
一級考試 7 2017 $1316
二級考試 8 2016 $1381
三級考試 9 2015 $1521
四級考試 10 2014 $1618
八級考試 13-15 2009-2011 $2036




  • 學生必須報名2025年1月至6月的整個常規課程,並每週參加1節芭蕾舞恆常課程。學生必須留在與考試級別年齡相同的恆常班級年齡組中



  • 學生必須報名2025年1月至6月的整個常規課程,並每週參加1節芭蕾舞恆常課程,及1節備試班,以專注在考試/證書考核的大綱。學生必須留在與考試級別年齡相同的恆常班級年齡組中
  • 學生必須在應考日期前出席模擬考試,學生必須穿著合符規格的考試服飾,應認真對待並當作真實考試般做出練習動作



  • 所有參加考試及證書考核的學生,在應考日前必須出席不少於80%的課堂
  • 如未能達到課堂出席率,將會被取消應考資格,報名費及課堂費將不會退還
  • 如學生缺席備試班,將不能安排補課並不獲留作餘額使用、扣減或退款


備試班時間表 (適用於5歲+的學生)

等級 年齡 出生年份 地點及時間 老師 課堂費用
5 2019 中環
星期日 10:30-11:30
Ms. Lynn $320/ 一堂


星期六 2:30-3:30
Ms. Lynn
星期日 9:00-10:00
Ms. Olga
星期六 9:00-10:00
Ms. Alice
星期二 5:00-6:00
Ms. Olga

6 2018 中環
星期日 11:30-12:30
Ms. Lynn
星期二 4:15-5:15
Ms. Alice
星期五 5:30-6:30
Ms. Leslie
星期五 5:15-6:15
Ms. Alice
一級考試 7 2017 銅鑼灣
星期六 3:30-4:30
Ms. Lynn
二級考試 8 2016 銅鑼灣
星期六 4:30-5:30
Ms. Lynn
三級考試 9 2015 中環
星期日 12:30-2:00
Ms. Lynn $480/ 一堂


四級考試 10 2014 中環
星期日 3:00-4:30
Ms. Lynn
八級考試 13-15 2009-2011 中環
星期日 9:00-10:30
Ms. Lynn


學期 星期二
星期五 星期六 星期日
1月-2月 1月 7,14,21,28
2月 4,11,18,25
1月 3,10,17,24
2月 7,14,21,281月31沒有課堂 (假期)
1月 4,11,18,25
2月 1,8,15,22
1月 5,12,19,26
2月 2,9,16,23
3月-4月 3月 4,11,18,25
4月 1,8,15,22, 29
3月 7,14,21,28
4月 11,254月4,18 沒有課堂 (假期)
3月 1,8,15,22,29
4月 5,12,264月19 沒有課堂 (假期)
3月 2,9,16,23,30
4月 6,13,20,27
5月-6月 5月 6,13,20,27
6月 3,10,17,24
5月 2,9,16,23,30
6月 6,13,20,27
5月 10,17,24
6月 7,14,21,285月31沒有課堂 (假期)
5月 11,18,25
6月 1,8,15,22,295月4沒有課堂 (假期)



  • 學生必須穿著乾淨及整齊的指定服飾,並配戴適當的髮飾(隱形髮網,髮夾,髮圈),髮飾套裝可於Twinkle Dance分校購買
  • 參加等級考試的學生必須在2025年1月開始的備試課中,準備好性格舞蹈鞋及舞裙(tutulamb品牌)
  • 如學生穿著不合符規格的服飾,Twinkle Dance 將有權取消其資格


– 任何顏色的正規舞衣及紗裙/Tutu
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞蹈襪褲(不可穿著非舞蹈襪褲,需沒有圖案)
– 粉紅色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋(需沒有圖案)
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞衣
– Tutulamb粉紅色紗裙
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞蹈襪褲(不可穿著非舞蹈襪褲,需沒有圖案)
– 粉紅色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋(需沒有圖案)
– Tutulamb淺紫色舞衣
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞蹈襪褲(不可穿著非舞蹈襪褲,需沒有圖案)
– 粉紅色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋(需沒有圖案)
– Tutulamb黑色性格舞蹈鞋及黑色性格舞蹈裙
– Tutulamb深紫色舞衣
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞蹈襪褲(不可穿著非舞蹈襪褲,需沒有圖案)
– 粉紅色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋(需沒有圖案及搭配粉紅色緞帶)
– Tutulamb黑色性格舞蹈鞋及黑色性格舞蹈裙
— Tutulamb深紫色舞衣
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞蹈襪褲(不可穿著非舞蹈襪褲,需沒有圖案)
– 粉紅色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋(需沒有圖案及搭配粉紅色緞帶)
– 只需Tutulamb黑色性格舞蹈裙. 此等級不需黑色性格舞蹈鞋
– Tutulamb深紫色舞衣
– Tutulamb長至小腿中部的紫色舞裙
– 白色長絲巾(由Twinkle Dance提供)
– Tutulamb粉紅色舞蹈襪褲(不可穿著非舞蹈襪褲)
– 粉紅色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋(需沒有圖案及搭配粉紅色緞帶)
– Tutulamb黑色性格舞蹈鞋及黑色性格舞蹈裙
– Tutulamb白色短袖舞衣及深藍色短褲
– 白色襪子及白色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋 (不可穿著非舞蹈鞋)
– Tutulamb白色短袖舞衣及深藍色短褲
– 白色襪子及白色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋 (不可穿著非舞蹈鞋)
— Tutulamb白色短袖舞衣及深藍色短褲
– 白色襪子及白色全墊芭蕾舞皮鞋 (不可穿著非舞蹈鞋)
– Tutulamb黑色性格舞蹈鞋



  • 若考生感到不適或表現出不適合參加考試,Twinkle Dance 將保留讓學生退出表演的權利
  • 所有考生都必須遵守Twinkle Dance及香港考評局的衛生指引
  • 如考生不遵守該指引,Twinkle Dance及香港考評局將有權取消其考生參與考試/課堂證書考核的資格。在這些情況下,報名費用及課堂費用將不予退款


條款及細則(English only)


  • Twinkle Dance Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Twinkle Dance”) regrets that the registration fees and class fees paid under the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Examinations & Class Awards 2025 are non-refundable under any circumstances including non-controllable events and medical conditions/ certificates.  


Examinations & Class Award Date

  • The examinations & class awards date and time will be assigned by the Royal Academy of Dance. Twinkle Dance will request a weekend or public holiday but It might be scheduled on a school day. The date, time, and venue location will be announced from March to April 2025.
  • The scheduled date and time CANNOT be changed. NO credit, deduction, or refund of the registration fees and class fees can be arranged if the student is absent.
  • No rescheduling of the examinations & class awards date/time can be made if the student is absent on examination day (including any medical conditions/certificates).


Class Requirement

  • Age 2, 3-5 students who apply for the Demonstration Class Award, students must enrol in the full regular class term from January to June of 2025 to attend 1 regular ballet class per week.
  • Age 5-15 students students who apply for Dance Class Award/Graded Exam, students must enrol in the full regular class term to attend 1 Regular Ballet Class and 1 Additional Exam Preparation Class per week from January to June of 2025 in order to focus on the exam syllabus.
  • Age 5-15 students who apply for Dance Class Award/Graded Exam, students are required to attend a Mock Exam at the examination centre prior to the actual examinations/ class awards. Students are required to dress in the appropriate examination attire and present their work as if for the real examinations/class awards. 


Attendance Requirement

  • All examinations/class awards students must fulfill not less than 80% of the attendance until the examinations/ class awards have been completed.
  • Failure to fulfill the class and attendance requirements will disqualify students from taking the examinations/ class awards. The registration fees and class fees will not be refunded. 
  • No make-up class, credit, deduction or refund can be arranged for any missed examination preparation classes. 


Uniform Requirement

  • Students are required to dress in CLEAN and PROPER attire with appropriate hair accessories (invisible hair net, proper hair pins, hair tie). 
  • Graded exam students MUST purchase the black character shoes and black character skirt from Tutulamb and wear them during the examination/class award classes starting from January 2025.
  • Twinkle Dance Company Limited has the right to withdraw students from the exam if the proper uniform is not worn.


Photography and Other Media

  • Twinkle Dance Company Limited reserves the right to use the photographs/videos taken in class and the exam day for marketing and promotional purposes. The taken photographs/videos may be used on Twinkle Dance’s website, social media platforms and collateral material.


Special Health and Safety Measures

  • If an examinee feels unwell or appears unsuitable to attend the examinations/class awards, Twinkle Dance reserves the right to withdraw the examinee from examinations/class awards.
  • All examinees have to follow the health and safety guidelines by Twinkle Dance and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
  • Twinkle Dance and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority have the right to withdraw the examinees who do not meet the health and safety guidelines from attending the examinations/class awards. The registration fees and class fees will not be refunded in these circumstances. 



  • All participants enrolled in the examinations/class awards do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in this activity. 



  • Twinkle Dance reserves the right to any interpretation and the final decision in case of disputes.
  • Twinkle Dance will resolve any dispute connected in any way with the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Examinations & Class Awards 2025 at its absolute discretion.