
你曾想過在世界上最夢幻的地方跳舞,成為巡遊表演隊伍的一份子嗎? 加入我們吧!成為迪士尼舞蹈巡遊班的一份子,一起在迪士尼樂園的美國小鎮大街上盡情起舞!踏進充滿魅力的冰雪世界及釋放你內在的魔法,伴隨著“Let It Go”優雅的音樂翩翩起舞。穿上由Tutulamb精心設計的表演服飾,像皇室般華麗及散發冰雪光芒。加及入我們,在香港迪士尼樂園的背景下創造難忘的回憶!

disney parade 2024 homepage version 2


  • 表演日子是2024年6月30日
  • 表演時間將由香港迪士尼樂園編排,及在巡遊日期的2-4個星期前公布
  • 表演者需報讀由2024年5月1日至6月表演日期前的最後一星期的課堂
  • 最後一節課堂為最終綵排,表演學生必需穿著表演服飾出席
  • 如有缺席課堂情況,學生可在排練課期間申請最多2堂補課。缺席課堂將不獲申請留作餘額使用,減款或退款


年齡 課堂地點 導師 課堂時間 費用
九龍塘 Ms. Julia 星期五 4:00-4:45 $320/一堂


九龍塘 Ms. Olga 星期日 3:15-4:00
中環 Ms. Olga 星期五 4:00-4:45
中環 Ms. Olga 星期六 4:00-4:45
黃竹坑 Ms. Maddie 星期六 2:45-3:30



5月 3,10,17,24,31


5月 4,11,18,25


5月 5,12,19,26













費用 $1480, 包括:

  1. 精美表演服飾 – 由Tutulamb特別設計的表演服飾 (價值$980)
  2. *迪士尼演藝日套票 – 表演者迪士尼樂園門票;迪士尼演藝日護照;迪士尼表演證書





  • 表演者需年滿 6 歲或以上,於巡遊當日年滿 6 歲亦可合符報名資格
  • 表演者必須出席不少於6節排練課堂,以確保表演的水準。如未能達到課堂出席率,將有機會被退出迪士尼巡遊班,且報名費用及已繳付的排練課費用並不會退還
  • 表演者必須遵守 Twinkle Dance 的學校指引,包括課堂年齡、舞蹈校服和安全及衛生要求等。若表演者不遵守學校指引,將有機會被退出迪士尼巡遊班,且報名費用及已繳付的排練課費用並不會退還


  • 表演者需於2024年4月30日或之前親臨我們的分校作量度尺寸
  • 表演者需於其排練課堂的地點領取表演服飾及試身,領取日期大約在6月初 (實際日期再作公布),免費修改服務只限於領取日期內提供
  • 表演者必須妥善保管其表演服飾和保持潔淨
  • 表演者需根據表演服造型來購買適合的舞蹈襪褲和頭髮用品(髮網/髮夾)
  • 因應香港迪士尼樂園的要求,所有表演者在戶外磚地跳舞時必須穿著合適的鞋子。Twinkle Dance將知會表演者合適的運動鞋款式,表演者必須在最終綵排時準備好鞋子以供Twinkle Dance檢查


  • 家人或親友必須持有迪士尼樂園有效門票或迪士尼奇妙處處通樂園年票方可進入樂園。Twinkle Dance並不會為表演者的家人或親友購買門票。


所有巡遊表演學生及其賓客,在排練課堂和巡遊表演期間必須遵守Twinkle Dance及香港迪士尼樂園的安全及衛生指引。如巡遊表演學生不遵守該指引,Twinkle Dance及香港迪士尼樂園將有權取消其學生參與排練課堂/巡遊表演的資格。報名費用、課堂費用、迪士尼演藝日套餐及門票將不予退款。



本巡遊表演需根據香港迪士尼樂園的惡劣天氣政策。於惡劣天氣情況下或若香港教育局宣佈停課,迪士尼將保留活動改期或取消的權利。如T1,T3或黃色暴雨警告信號在表演者入園前或入園後懸掛,迪士尼有可能取消表演活動,迪士尼演藝日套餐及門票將不予退款。如T8+、紅色或黑色暴雨信號在表演者於表演日入園前懸掛,表演將於9個月內改期進行。若 T8+、紅色或黑色暴雨信號在表演者於表演日入園後懸掛,巡遊表演將被取消,迪士尼演藝日套餐及門票將不予退款




條款及細則 (English Only)


  • Fees paid to Twinkle Dance Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Twinkle Dance”) including the application fees, class fees, ticketing fees, uniform, costume fees required under the Disney Parade 2024 are non-refundable under any circumstances (include any medical conditions/ certificates).
  • In the specific events of weather conditions, epidemics and/or pandemics, government regulations or restrictions imposed by the HKSAR government that lead to the cancellation of the Disney Parade 2024, the Disney Parade will be rescheduled within 9 months.
  • If the Disney Parade cannot further proceed for whatever reason, Twinkle Dance will arrange the costume (valued $980) back to the performers. The application fees and the paid rehearsal class fees will not be refunded.
  • Twinkle Dance reserves the right to cancel the rehearsal classes or event(s) in relation to the Disney Parade. Any dispute in connection with the fees will be resolved at the absolute discretion of Twinkle Dance Company Limited.



  • All performers (including Disney Magic Access Annual Pass holders) are required to purchase a Disney Performing Arts Package. The Disney Performing Arts Package is non-refundable.
  • Parents and Friends must have a valid admission ticket or Disney Magic Access Annual Pass to enter the Park. Twinkle Dance will not purchase tickets for performers’ parents and friends.


Rehearsal Class

  • Performers must enroll in all rehearsal classes and attend not less than 6 of the rehearsal classes in order to ensure the highest standards of the performance. Failure to fulfill the attendance requirement may result in withdrawal from the Disney Parade. Application fees and the paid rehearsal class fees will not be refunded.
  • In case of absence, students can apply for at most 2 make-up classes during the rehearsal period. No credit, deduction or refund can be arranged for absent classes.


Uniform, Costume and Footwear

  • Class uniform is required in accordance with Twinkle Dance school policies, failure to do so may result in withdrawal from the Disney Parade 2024 and no refund can be made on the Fees.
  • Performers are responsible for keeping their costumes safe and clean for the performance.
  • Performers are required to purchase proper dance tights and hair sets (hair net and pins) according to the costume outlook.
  • As required by Hong Kong Disneyland, all performers must wear safe footwear while dancing outdoors on the brick floor. Twinkle Dance will notify performers of the appropriate style of sports shoes. Performers MUST have the shoes ready in the final rehearsal for Twinkle Dance’s checking.


Inclement Weather Conditions

  • The event is guided by Hong Kong Disneyland’s inclement weather policy. If inclement weather conditions occur or the Education Bureau of Hong Kong announces the suspension of schools, Disney reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event.
  • If T1,T3 and Amber rainstorm signals are hoisted, the performance is subject to cancellation by Disney and NO Disney Performing Arts Packages and Admission tickets can be refunded. If T8+, Red or Black rainstorm signals are hoisted before performers enter the park on performance day, the performance will be rescheduled within 9 months. However, if T8+, Red or Black rainstorm signals are hoisted after performers have entered the park on performance day, the parade will be canceled and NO Disney Performing Arts Packages and Admission tickets can be refunded.


Special Health and Safety Measures

  • Twinkle Dance and/ or Hong Kong Disneyland have the right to withdraw the parade performers who do not meet the health and safety guidelines from attending the rehearsal classes/ the parade performance. Registration fees and tickets will not be refunded in these circumstances.
  • Hong Kong Disneyland staff have the right to deny the admission of any visitors in accordance with their precautionary guidelines. Registration fees and tickets will not be refunded in these circumstances.


Photography and Other Media

  • Twinkle Dance Company Limited reserves the right to use the photographs/videos taken in class, and the performance for marketing and promotional purposes. The taken photographs/videos may be used on Twinkle Dance’s website, social media platforms and collateral material.


Personal Data and Privacy

  • Parents and/or guardians will inform Twinkle Dance if there are any changes to the personal data provided.



  • All participants enrolled in this activity do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in this activity.



  • Hong Kong Disneyland and/or Twinkle Dance reserves the right to any interpretation and the final decision in case of dispute.
  • Any dispute connected in any way with the Summer Disney Parade Team 2023 will be resolved by Twinkle Dance at its absolute discretion.


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