踏進彩虹國,展開一趟迷人的旅程,那裡充滿了可愛的小飾品、精緻的景觀和娃娃的迷人魅力!我們高興地舉辦 2024年Twinkle Dance舞蹈匯演 – 娃娃屋!
日期 | 2024年4月27日(星期六) 或 4月28日(星期日) 或 5月1日(星期三,公眾假期) |
時間 | 2小時(實際時間待公布) |
地點 | Y綜藝館,青年廣場 (柴灣,柴灣道238號) |
- 表演日期及時間將由Twinkle Dance分配並在2024年2月公佈,任何指定表演日期的要求將不獲接受,請預留上述所有日期,以確保能出席表演
- 如表演者與其兄弟姐妹一同報名參加舞蹈匯演,我們會盡量安排表演者在同一場表演,但不保證能夠成功安排
$2480, 包括
- 額外排練: 劇院舞台綵排及額外排練課(如需要)
- 精美表演服飾 – 由Tutulamb特別設計的表演服飾 (價值$980)
- 匯演影片 – 電子版
- 舞台表演合照 – 1張相片連相架
- 專業影樓攝影服務 – 連髮型設計及動作指導
- 舞蹈匯演證書
- 匯演紀念品
*費用不包括常規排練課, 表演門票, 舞蹈襪褲, 鞋及影樓攝影相片
早鳥報名期: 2023年10月18日至11月19日
一般報名期: 2023年11月20日至12月22日
所有成功報名的學生都可獲贈小方巾一條 (2024年匯演特別設計)!
- 表演者需年滿3歲或以上(出生年份在2020或之前)
- 表演者必須出席不少於80%的排練課堂,以確保表演的水準。如未能達到課堂出席率,將有機會被退出舞蹈匯演,且報名費用並不會退還
- 表演者必須遵守 Twinkle Dance 的學校指引,包括課堂年齡、舞蹈校服和安全及衛生要求等。若表演者不遵守學校指引,將有機會被退出舞蹈匯演,且報名費用不會退還 按此查看舞蹈校服要求
2.獨家禮品 – 髮箍或背包
Twinkle Dance 致力為社會帶來正面影響,我們的舞蹈匯演為慈善事業做出貢獻,服務社區。今年表演的部分收入將捐贈給親切TREATS,為兒童建立一個共融社會。他們致力為不同能力和背景的兒童及青少年創造突破界限、發展潛能、平等參與的機會。我們很高興能支持此意義深遠的服務,幫助親切TREATS提升大眾對平等、多樣化的認同,建立一個共融社會。
- 表演者必須報名2024年1月至2月學期和3月至4月學期的Twinkle Dance常規課程,當中可選擇任何舞蹈風格或音樂劇課。表演舞蹈將在整個學期的課堂上教授及排練。按此查看常規課程時間表
- 在2024年1月至4月學期間,表演者必需留在已選擇的課堂中,因為同一課堂的學生將會一起上台表演,因此需要時間讓學生熟悉自己的位置並與同學練習舞步
- 在2024年1月學期開始後,如有任何特別的轉班要求,而影響到匯演編排及排練過程,將需要收取$500行政費。轉班要求將不能保證接受,需取決於課堂名額及表演服的製作進度,有可能需額外收取$980作新表演服飾費用,Twinkle Dance保留最終決定權
- 所有表演者必須參加劇院舞台綵排,將會安排在表演當天或之前
- 不同課堂有機會教授不同的表演舞蹈。我們建議學生選擇同一表演舞蹈的課堂來進行補課,課堂可能跨越不同分校地點
- 表演者將在匯演中將扮演不同的角色,角色/服裝的分配將由Twinkle Dance決定
- 表演者需於2023年12月31日或之前親臨我們的分校作量度尺寸
- 表演者需於影樓攝影活動當天作試身及領取其表演服飾;不參加影樓攝影的表演者需到Twinkle Dance的辦公室(黃竹坑)作試身及領取其表演服飾;如欲在分校領取,將在影樓攝影活動完結後安排
- 如果表演服飾不合身,免費修改服務只限於領取日期內提供(待公布)
- 表演者需根據表演服造型來購買適合的芭蕾或爵士舞鞋、舞蹈襪褲和頭髮用品(髮網/髮夾)。如有需要,表演者需準備淺粉色皮質芭蕾舞鞋/黑色皮質爵士舞鞋(全皮無任何圖案),淺粉色/黑色舞蹈襪褲(無任何圖案)
- 表演者必須妥善保管其表演服飾和保持潔淨
- 在表演日,表演者需自行整理髮型及化妝
- 影樓攝影將會安排在2024年3月或4月的週末或公眾假期中進行,表演者可自行預約拍攝時段(先到先得形式),預約詳情將於 2024 年 2 月公布
- 導師將負責髮型設計(芭蕾髮髻)及動作指導,化妝並不包括在內
- 照片並不包含在報名費用中,在表演日當天或之後將開放訂購,並以電子版形式發放
匯演門票不包含在報名費用中, 門票可於香港任何城市售票網售票處或網上購買。 門票發售日期將於 2024 年 2 月公佈。
- 表演者無需購買門票,他們將與Twinkle Dance的老師和工作人員一起留在後台直到表演結束
- 所有門票均以先到先得形式出售
- Twinkle Dance 將不提供門票出售或預訂
- 已售出的門票將不可退款或更換
- 如表演者被分配到與其兄弟姐妹或父母於不同表演場次,每個家庭將獲得兩張免費門票。 詳情將會在稍後公佈
- 所有表演者都必須在指定的表演日期參加演出前的劇院舞台綵排
- 所有表演者必須與Twinkle Dance的老師和工作人員留在一起,直到匯演結束及謝幕。 於中場休息期間並不允許接走表演者
- 在劇院舞台綵排或演出期間,家長和監護人不得進入劇院和後台區域
- 若表演者感到不適或表現出不適合表演,Twinkle Dance保留讓學生退出表演的權利。在這些情況下,報名費用及門票將不予退款
- 所有表演者,必須遵守Twinkle Dance及表演場地的衛生指引。如表演者不遵守該指引,Twinkle Dance及表演場地將有權取消其學生參與排練課堂/表演的資格。這些情況下,報名費用及門票將不予退款
在Twinkle Dance舞蹈匯演中繳付的報名費用在任何情況下都將不會退還,包括在不可控制的因素影響之下。然而,在特殊情況下包括流行病和/或疫情、因香港特別行政區政府施加的政府法規或限制,而導致Twinkle Dance舞蹈匯演取消時,表演將在6個月內改期進行,表演者或可申請退還報名費用(需扣除980港元的表演服飾費用)。Twinkle Dance保留取消與舞蹈匯演有關的活動的權利。任何與退款有關的爭議將由Twinkle Dance Company Limited絕對酌情決定。
Twinkle Dance Company Limited抱歉表示,除了於退款政策部分所述的特殊情況外,報名和表演服飾費用在任何情況下都不獲退款(包括任何醫療狀況/證明)。
條款及細則 (English only)
- Twinkle Dance Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Twinkle Dance”) regrets that the application and costumes fees are non-refundable under any circumstances (include any medical conditions/ certificates) except for the stated specific events under the Refund Policy section.
- Application fee paid under the Twinkle Dance Showcase 2024 is non-refundable under any circumstances including non-controllable events. However, in the specific events of epidemics and/or pandemics, government regulations or restrictions imposed by the HKSAR Government that lead to the cancellation of the Twinkle Dance Showcase 2024, the performance will be rescheduled within 6 months or refund of the application fees after deducting the $980 costume fee will be arranged. Twinkle Dance reserves the right to cancel the event(s) in relation to the Twinkle Dance Showcase 2024. Any dispute connected in the refund will be resolved at the absolute discretion of Twinkle Dance.
- Regular rehearsal classes, show tickets, dance tights,shoes and photoshoot photos are not included in the application fee.
- The performance date will be assigned by Twinkle Dance and cannot be changed.
- Performers will portray different characters in the showcase. Character/costume is assigned at the sole discretion of Twinkle Dance
- Students who have enrolled in the show with their siblings are not guaranteed to be able to perform in the same show.
- An administration fee of $500 will be charged for any class change request starting January 2024 as it will affect the showcase planning and rehearsal practice. There is no guarantee for the class changes, such requests are subject to availability of classes and costume production progress. An additional $980 costume fee might apply for costume production adjustments/changes. Twinkle Dance reserves the right to make the final decisions for any class change request.
Class and Rehearsal
- Performers are required to enroll in Twinkle Dance regular classes of any dance style or musical theatre in the Jan-Feb term and March-April term of 2024. The performance dance pieces will be taught and rehearsed in class throughout the class term.
- Performers must attend not less than 80% of the regular classes in order to ensure the highest standards of the performance. Failure to fulfill the attendance requirement may result in withdrawal from the showcase. Application fees and the paid class fees will not be refunded.
- Performers must stay in the same class from January to April of 2024.
- All performers are required to attend an additional on-stage rehearsal at the Theater that will be scheduled on the assigned performance date.
Uniform and Costume
- Performers are required to purchase proper ballet or jazz shoes, dance tights and hair sets (hair net and pins) according to the costume outlook. Peach pink leather ballet shoes/black leather jazz shoes (full leather without any patterns), and peach pink/black dance tights (without any patterns) are required when necessary.
- Performers are responsible to keep their costume safe and clean for the performance.
Professional Studio Photoshoot Service
- The photoshoot will be arranged on weekends or public holidays in March/April 2024, performers can reserve their time slot on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Photos are not included in the application fee, it will be on sale for ordering and delivered in soft-copies on/ after show days.
Show Day Arrangements
- All performers are required to attend an on-stage rehearsal before the show on the assigned performance date.
- All students must stay with Twinkle Dance’s teachers and staff until the end of the show. Pick up during intermission is NOT allowed.
- Parents and guardians are not allowed to enter the theater and backstage area during on-stage rehearsals nor during the show.
- No tickets are required for performers, they will stay at backstage with Twinkle Dance’s teacher and staff until the end of the show.
- All tickets are sold on a first-come-first-served basis.
- No tickets are available for sale/reservation at Twinkle Dance.
- Sold tickets are not refundable or exchangeable.
- For students scheduled to perform on a different show as their siblings, two free tickets will be granted per family. Details will be announced.
Photography and Other Media
- Twinkle Dance Company Limited reserves the right to use the photographs/videos taken in class, studio photoshoot and the show for marketing and promotional purposes. The taken photographs/videos may be used on Twinkle Dance’s website, social media platforms and collateral material.
Special Health and Safety Measures
- If a performer feels unwell or appears unsuitable to perform, Twinkle Dance reserves the right to withdraw the student from the performance. Application fee and tickets will not be refunded in such circumstances.
- Performers have to follow the health and safety guidelines by Twinkle Dance and the Theater. Twinkle Dance and the Theater staff have the right to deny the admission of any performers and audiences who do not meet the health and safety guidelines into the theater. Application fee and tickets will not be refunded in such circumstances.
Sponsorship Items (if any)
- Twinkle Dance is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury arising from using any distributed items provided by Twinkle Dance’s supporting partners/companies.
- All participants enrolled in this program do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in this performance activity.
- Twinkle Dance reserves the right to any interpretation and the final decision in case of disputes.
- Any dispute connected in any way with the Twinkle Dance Showcase will be resolved by Twinkle Dance at its absolute discretion.